Knowledge Base
- This article describes how to reset your Autodesk licensing method.
Topic: BuckeyeBIM
- Instructions for installing Autodesk software.
Topic: BuckeyeBIM
- This article describes how to install Revit 2019.
Topic: BuckeyeBIM
- This article explains how to submit a FITS Request for updates to floor plans and data in SIMS.
Topic: SIMS
- This article demonstrates how to download the latest Building Design Standards from Archived Projects in SIMS.
Topic: SIMS, Archived Projects
- This article describes methods by which users can access and utilize Dynamic Spreadsheets in SIMS.
Topic: SIMS
- This article explains best practices for 360 photo management in SIMS and how to manage 360 photos in SIMS.
Topic: SIMS
- This article explains how to create and manage custom labels in the Facility Information Module in SIMS.
Topic: SIMS
- This article demonstrates how to view 360 photos in SIMS.
Topic: SIMS
- How to add, remove, reorder, and resize columns in SIMS to better accommodate your search preferences. How to save customized views for future use.
Topic: SIMS