This article explains best practices for 360 photo management in SIMS and how to manage 360 photos in SIMS. This functionality is only available to users with elevated access. For viewing 360 photos in SIMS without elevated access, see Viewing 360 Photos in SIMS. See the SIMS User Guide for other instructional SIMS articles.
Managing 360 photos is comprised of loading photos and managing photo assignments to spaces. Users with photo management permissions also have access to the Picture module, which allows users to search photos directly by file name.
This article is structured as follows:
Best Practices
When managing 360 photos in SIMS, there are some practices that should be followed. Please note that older photos may not follow the guidelines because our best practices were not yet established.
File Names
360 photo files should be named in the following format:
SpaceID CaptureDate(YYYYMMDD)
For example, an image taken on March 16th, 2019 of room 003-01-0100 should be named "003-01-0100 20190316".
No file names should be repeated. If multiple images were taken in the same room on the same day, an additional identifier should be added between the Space ID and Capture Date to distinguish between them. These identifiers should be kept relatively short and not based on occupants or use.
For example, if there are 2 images taken on March 16th, 2019 of room 003-01-0100, the files could be named "003-01-0100 1 20190316" and "003-01-0100 2 20190316" or, alternatively, "003-01-0100 East 20190316" and "003-01-0100 South 20190316".
If more than 2 images are taken in the same room, it's often most practical to number the photos in walking order, where 1 is the photo closest to the main entrance, 2 is the next closest, and so on.
Photos to Add
Ideal 360 photos are:
- Taken near the center of the room/cubicle they are of. If this is not possible because of room size limitations, the image should be taken from the nearest position that allows a full view of the room.
- Taken from a height that allows the most realistic but open view of the room, usually the height of a person.
- Taken with the space well lit.
- Taken when the space is set up with the optimal furniture arrangement for that space.
- No people are in the image.
The ideal photo is not always possible, but photo takers should strive for the above conditions where practical.
Looking for Existing Photos
It is best practice to load a photo to SIMS only once. If the person loading the photos does not recall if they have already loaded the photos or if the person loading the photos did not take the photos, the loader should double check that the photos are not already loaded to SIMS.
Preexisting Photos
Leave preexisting photos assigned to a space if the photo is correctly assigned and the architecture of the space has not changed. Use changes, furniture rearrangement, and minor renovations (new carpet, paint, etc.) do not call for photo removal.
Searching for Photos
Navigate to the Picture module.
The grid that loads functions the same as the Space module. The Pictures grid with no filters applied shows all of the images stored in SIMS, not just 360 images. Expand the Filters Pane to start filtering down images listed in the grid. Below are fields and their content.
Field | Content |
Name | Picture name. Use Space ID or a portion of it surrounded by % signs to filter. This should be the Space ID, additional identifier if required, and the Capture Date. |
Comment | Additional context if required. |
Category | All 360 room photos should be "360 Image". |
360 Image | All 360 room photos should be "true". |
Uploaded By | Name.# of the person who uploaded the photo. |
Uploaded | Upload Date, not to be confused with Capture Date. |
File Name | Name of the file uploaded. Cannot be changed. This should be the Space ID, additional identifier if required, and the Capture Date. |
Adding Photos to a Space
- Pull up the space dialog for a space, then switch to the Pictures tab. Close the pop up image viewer.
Click the "+" sign.
If the photo is already in the Pictures module, use filters to find the photo, select the photo, then click Save. The photo has been added to the space.
- If the photo is a new addition,
Click the New icon (a folder with an asterisk in the corner).
- Click on the red Picture button in the Select Picture field to select the photo on your computer.
- Enter the file name without the extension into the Name field under Details.
- Change the Category to 360 Image using the drop down.
- Check the 360 Image box just below the Category field by clicking the box.
Click Save.
Removing Photos from a Space
As stated in the Preexisting Photos section, leave preexisting photos assigned to a space if the photo is correctly assigned and the architecture of the space has not changed. Use changes, furniture rearrangement, and minor renovations (new carpet, paint, etc.) do not call for photo removal.
Verify with the floor plans in the Facility Information module prior to removing an image from a space if you believe the architecture (walls, windows, columns, etc) has changed or the photo is assigned to the wrong space to ensure that the room you're thinking of and the room in the floor plans match. If the current actual numbering and the numbering in the floor plans do not match, do not remove the photo - submit a FITS Request and note in the request that 360 photos in SIMS helped you catch the discrepancy.
- To remove an image, pull up the space dialog for a space, then switch to the pictures tab. Close the pop up image viewer. Select the image that needs to be removed. Close the pop up image viewer.
- Click the Remove icon, a circled "X" sign. Click yes when asked if you would like to remove the photo. The photo has been removed from the space.