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Submitting FITS Requests for SIMS Updates


This article explains how to submit a FITS Request for updates to floor plans and data in SIMS. See the SIMS User Guide for other instructional SIMS articles.

Submitting a FITS Request is an easy way to report updates to SIMS data and floor plans. These are Data Updates or Drawing Requests, respectively. Following are different fields that will need to be filled in to submit a request.

First, navigate to the FITS Request Form. Then follow the instructions below. At the end of this page is a completed drawing update request submission for reference.

Request Type

The request type lets us know the type of request being made. Floor plan updates should be "Drawing Update" and data updates should be "Data Update". Once a Request Type is selected, the remaining fields will appear.

Building, Floor, and Room Locations

The location should be the Building, Floor, and Rooms in which the requested changes are located. So, for the Bevis example above, the Building Location is "Bevis Hall (0307)", the Floor Location is "01" or "First Floor", and the Room(s) Location is "100".

Short and Detailed Descriptions

The Short Description should be brief but enough to identify the request from other requests. The Detailed Description should be more thorough, including a more specific description of the changes or where to find details if attached or a project.

For data requests, if more than a few lines of changes are being requested, attachments illustrating the changes are desirable, such as Excel files including Campus, Building, Floor, Space ID, and any fields pertaining to the request. For drawing update requests, however, larger adjustments or remodels will require field visits. If the changes cannot be adequately captured in a few photos, then you do not need to spend a bunch of time going too far into detail because someone will likely need to visit the building. If FITS will need to do a site visit but the person in the Requestor Field is not the person with whom to schedule access, please include their name in the detailed description.

For example, if you need to report some cubicle rearrangements, entering "Bevis Hall Room 100 Cubicle Rearrangement" as the Short Description, "Bevis Hall Room 100 Cubicle Rearrangement - Several cubicles removed; see attached photos and markups" makes sense along with attached files to illustrate the changes.

Requestor Name and Email

This should be the person making the request or the person we should contact with questions. If putting in someone else's name, please let them know. 

File Attachments

File Attachments is where requestors have the chance to attach detailed materials regarding the changes. This includes Excel files, photos, and plan markups or drawings. Attachments are not required but may allow FITS to make updates faster and with less correspondence.

Attachments for Data Updates should typically be an Excel file detailing the changes accompanied with Campus, Building, Floor, Space ID, and any fields pertaining to the request. Function should be included with allocation and room type change requests. Pictures can also be helpful for room type changes.

Attachments for Drawing Updates should typically include photos of the changes and marked up plans. Photos of the changes should include the change itself, some context, and signage if possible or applicable. Marked up plans can be as simple as a screenshot of the changed area with drawn in marks. Again, some context needs to be included in the markups so location of the change can be identified.

Example Images 

Photo of Requested Change

In the following image, you can see the room signage and the signage is legible at the photo's original quality. You can see the context around the door that helps identify the direction the photo is coming from as well as placement of the changes.

An example image someone might submit for a floor plan update request.

Markup Image

In the following image, you can see the requested change with some context. You can see when comparing the plan below and the image above that the inclusion of both is helpful for the correct placement of the change.

An example markup someone might submit for a floor plan request with the changes (a missing door) drawn in red.

Completed Form

The attachments in the form below are the 2 images above.

Completed form for FITS Requests


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