GIS, Maps & Drones

The GIS team is committed to providing improved decision making, better asset management and cost savings through the use of geographic information systems. Assets are collected, maintained and updated both in the field and through CAD and Revit project integration. Extensive, customized front end applications allow users across all campuses to visualize campus data, run numerous queries and statistics, collect various types of asset data, and answer many planning and management questions.
The GIS team helps users understand spatial and temporal patterns, relationships, and geographic context. The benefits include improved communication and efficiency as well as better management and decision making. Our services have been utilized by 125+ entities throughout the university community. Find out what we can do for you.

Campus Map
Explore Ohio State with interactive campus maps to find and navigate to buildings, parking, amenities, construction, and points of interest.

Historic Map
Explore Ohio State with an interactive map of campus over the years.

GIS Maps
Go to GIS Maps our custom web mapping application with tools and spatial data developed as the primary application for our GIS data.

Applications & Data
Browse our catalog of online applications, user experiences, and data types.

Print Maps
View our collection of official university maps that are print ready.

Drone Services
View our drone services offered to the university community.
Bending the Data Silos with GIS
Shaun Fontanella, Andrew Neil and Larisa Kruger present at the Campus FM Technology Association (CFTA) conference in 2018 on the trends in Spatial Data and the direction our GIS team would take in the coming years. In this presentation they provide an overview of applications and share a variety of subjects that GIS can be applied to.

Submit a New FITS Request
FITS is here to assist the university community with your facility and spatial data needs. If you are in need of assistance regarding one of our systems or the data we manage, please submit a FITS Request using the following link: