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Room Numbering

In effort to facilitate wayfinding and to uniquely identify each space within university facilities, the Architectural Services team reviews all renovation and construction projects throughout the university to ensure that room numbering meets Ohio State’s room numbering standard. Room numbers are not only an important piece of information that staff, students and visitors utilize to navigate our buildings more easily, but they also serve as a unique connector that is utilized for many operational systems throughout the University.  Our team takes all of this into consideration when reviewing and assigning room numbers. 

Renumbering of any space should be done in conjunction with the Architectural Services team to ensure that duplicate room numbers are not assigned and that consistent application of Ohio State’s standard occurs. If a project or floor layout change needs a room numbering review, please Submit a New Room Numbering.  Please provide as much detail about the project as you are able and attach a floor plan, sketch or a marked-up PDF for review.

An example of a room number plan with different sections highlighted different colors.
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Submit a New FITS Request

FITS is here to assist the university community with your facility and spatial data needs. If you are in need of assistance regarding one of our systems or the data we manage, please submit a FITS Request using the following link: