SIMS 4.2 Release Notes


The Space Information & Management System (SIMS) was updated on August 21, 2020 to release 4.2.

Feature Improvements

Grid Performance - The primary grids, Occupants, Property, Building, Floor, Space, Assets are now leveraging a metadata engine to significantly improve grid loading and searches.  For example, The Space Grid will now load all 112,000+ records in under 2 seconds compared to the 15+ seconds it took previously.

Date Filters on Primary Grids - The grid filtering tools for dates on the primary grids have been extended to support wildcard searches.

  • "NOT NULL" - will display all records that have any date. If these words are found in the filter, all other characters in the field will be ignored.
  • "IS NULL" - will display all records that have no date. If these words are found in the filter, all other characters in the field will be ignored.
  • "<" Greater Than (followed by a full date), will display all dates greater than the date entered. If this character is found at the beginning of the field, it must be followed by a full date and no other wild cards will be allowed. If a date does not follow this character, or other wild cards are found, an error will be displayed, and the search canceled.
  • "<" Less Than (followed by a full date), will display all dates less than the date entered. If this character is found at the beginning of the field, it must be followed by a full date and no other wild cards will be allowed. If a date does not follow this character, or other wild cards are found, an error will be displayed, and the search canceled.
  • "%" Wild Card, (could be any character in its place) - this character may be used to replace any part of a date. No other operators will be allowed.
An example of the Greater Than relational operator filter in use.


Drawings – Total(s) added to theme legend and count and area fields moved to the right of the item name

Drawing Legend Update


Select All Grid Feature - If a grid allows for multi-selection, a new “Select All” control will allow users to select all records in a grid and take actions on those records.

Image of the Select All button.


Occupants Data - The Occupants tab in the Space module has been made widely available to the general user.  You can now search for and filter occupants from this grid.

A view of the Occupants tab in the Space Grid