This article contains definitions of available room Functions and Room Types. When available, Room Type definitions also include available Sub-Types with short descriptions. See the Space Inventory Handbook page for related articles. See the SIMS User Guide for instructional SIMS articles.
Click on the following to jump to the section with the corresponding definitions:
Function Code | Function Name and Definition |
A | Instruction & Instruction Support |
Any activity that is directly involved in the organization, administration, and presentation of instruction programs at the academic departmental level. Included is all graduate student instruction of a non-research nature for which credit is given. Also included is space used for non-federal training grants. Excluded is instruction that is considered continuing education or cooperative extension, which is classified as (D) Public Service, and college level administration, which is classified as (F) General Administration.
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B | Departmental Research |
Any research activity that is not separately budgeted and accounted for. Included are activities related to University-sponsored faculty research, which is considered a part of normal load.
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C | Sponsored Research |
Any research project that is separately budgeted and accounted for. This includes projects that are sponsored by federal and non-federal agencies and organizations as well as University-funded projects that are separately budgeted. Note: Sponsored Research can only be used if the room is identified with a sponsored research project account number.
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D | Public Service |
Any activity that is devoted to making results from instruction, research, and development available to the general public. These activities include those of a cultural nature, continuing education, and extension. Offices, classrooms, and rooms devoted to production of publications and other communication media associated with these activities are included. Excluded are activities of public groups not related to the University, which are classified as (N) Non-Institutional Agency Use.
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E | Library |
Any activities related to the University’s collection, use, and display of library materials (except University Archives). Areas included are those that are part of the University Libraries system, the Law Library, and the Health Sciences Library. Collections, while they may be decentralized, should be available for use by more than one department. Collections that are intended for use of only one department should be classified as Instruction & Instruction Support. Exhibit and museum space within the University Libraries System are also classified as Library.
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F | General Administration |
Activities for general planning, supervision, coordination, and evaluation of University instruction, research, and public service programs. These activities are commonly referred to as academic, fiscal, and personnel functions. Included are campus administration and academic administration that cannot be associated with a specific department or program of instruction (include college-level administration but exclude academic department administration). Placement activities are excluded and should be classified as Student Services. Health System Administration Support should be coded as (L) Patient Care and Patient Care Support.
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G | Student Services |
Any activities that provide assistance and support for students such as student services administration, academic and non-academic counseling, job placement, organized student activities, student health services, and recreation & intramurals. Excluded are recreational activities operated by residence halls and student unions, which are classified as (K) Auxiliary Services.
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H | Plant Operations & Maintenance |
Activities such as maintenance and repair of buildings, campus security, and maintenance of grounds are included. Space for housing people and equipment associated with these activities and for housing University utilities is included.
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J | General Services |
Activities, not including administrative or instructional activities, related to the general operation of the University, such as alumni office, public information, University publications, data processing, shipping & receiving, printing, and any other general services provided for the institution as a whole.
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K | Auxiliary Services |
Activities that are of an income producing nature and are not related to instruction, research, or public service functions. Primarily, activities associated with residence & dining halls, student unions, bookstores, airports, and intercollegiate athletics are included in this category.
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L | Patient Care & Support |
Activities related to diagnosis, treatment, and patient care in the field of medicine (including veterinary medicine). This category includes patient care operations of the separately organized and budgeted hospital, including clinical services, general services, administrative services, fiscal services, etc. that are included within the organized hospital. Excluded are student health services (G) Student Services, instructional (A) Instruction & Instruction Support, and research (B) Departmental Research or (C) Sponsored Research programs of the colleges.
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N | Non-Institutional Agency Use |
Activates of public and private agencies not under supervision or control of the University but which occupy University space. Includes all university owned spaces leased by outside entities. Excludes space occupied by OSU Physicians, Inc. which should be function X-OSUP Inc.
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P | Inactive |
Space that is not currently in use. Designated for space that will be out of use/circulation for longer than one year or if space will be removed from pool due to decommissioning.
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Q | Alteration |
Space that is currently under rehabilitation or renovation. Space that is out of pool but will return to use within the near future.
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R | Non-Assignable Area |
Space which is used for shared circulation, custodial, mechanical, publicly available toilet, and utility areas within a building.
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X | OSUP Inc |
Space used by OSU Physicians, Inc., within an OSU Physicians, Inc. owned or leased building.
Room Types
Building Services
Room Type Code | Room Type and Room Sub-Type Names and Definitons |
0A | Circulation |
Public corridor or vestibule required for physical access to floors or subdivisions of space within the building, whether directly bounded by partitions or not.
Room Sub-Types:
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0B | Mechanical |
Area for mechanical equipment that services a building (heating/air conditioning, electrical/telephone equipment, fan rooms, plumbing equipment, etc.).
Room Sub-Types:
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0C | Custodial |
Space used by environmental services, custodians, or housekeeping for storing custodial equipment or supplies, trash holding and incinerator rooms.
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0D | Toilet |
Rooms providing toilet, washroom, and restroom facilities for the general public. Restroom facilities not available to the public are found under 3C-Staff Toilet, 8B-Patient Toilet, 8E-Clinical Staff Toilet, and 9T-Residential Toilet.
Room Sub-Types:
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0E | Central Utility Plant |
Space that primarily houses central utility production and/or distribution to more than one facility on campus. These include space in facilities such as steam plants, co-generation facilities, and electrical distribution facilities.
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0F | Inactive |
Space that is unfinished or uninhabitable. Space that is unusable due to ongoing alterations should have room types set to their previous or projected uses with function set to Q-Alteration.
Room Type Code | Room Type and Room Sub-Type Names and Definitons |
1A | Seminar Room |
Small room used primarily for scheduled classes, usually furnished with tables and chairs so that discussion may be held. Capacity ordinarily 20 or less.
Note: Capacity is required. Capacity is the number of chairs for students within the room.
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1B | Classroom |
Room used primarily for scheduled classes with a capacity of 20 to 100, usually furnished with tablet armchairs or bench type tables and chairs. Classrooms equipped with specialized laboratory equipment and used in part for laboratory instruction are classified as laboratories (i.e., moot courtroom, dance studio).
Note: Capacity is required. Capacity is the number of chairs for students within the room.
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1C | Lecture Hall |
Room used primarily for scheduled classes, with a capacity of 101 or more, typically with tiered or sloped floors and furnished with tablet armchairs or auditorium type seating.
Note: Capacity is required. Capacity is the number of chairs for students within the room.
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1E | Classroom Service |
Auxiliary room that serves a classroom, seminar room, or lecture hall as an extension of the functions in it. Includes projection rooms, coatrooms, preparation rooms, and storage rooms.
Room Sub-Types:
Room Type Code | Room Type and Room Sub-Type Names and Definitons |
2A | Scheduled Teaching Laboratory |
Room used by regularly scheduled classes that require special purpose equipment for student participation, experimentation, observation, or practice in a field of study. The design and/or equipment in such a room normally precludes its use for other areas of study. Examples include instructional shops and drafting rooms.
Note: Capacity is required. Capacity is the number of chairs for students within the room.
Room Sub-Types:
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2B | Unscheduled Teaching Laboratory |
Room used by informally or irregularly scheduled classes or open lab courses that require special-purpose equipment for student participation, experimentation, observation, or practice in a field of study. The design and/or equipment in such a room normally precludes its use for other areas of study. Examples include performative arts practice rooms and tutoring space.
Note: Capacity is required. Capacity is the number of chairs for students within the room.
Room Sub-Types:
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2C | Teaching Laboratory Service |
Auxiliary room that serves a (2A or 2B) teaching laboratory as an extension of the functions in it. Includes rooms which house special equipment used in course work, support equipment, or which is used for the preparation of materials and storage of equipment or supplies
Room Sub-Types:
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2D | Research Laboratory |
Specially equipped room used for research projects where classes are not regularly scheduled. Individual or small group student projects can be performed in a research lab, even though course credit may be given for the work.
Room Sub-Types:
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2E | Research Laboratory Service |
Auxiliary room that serves a (2D) Research Lab as an extension of the function in it. Includes rooms which house special equipment used in course work, support equipment, or which is used for the preparation of materials and storage of equipment or supplies.
Room Sub-Types:
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2F | Other Use Laboratory |
Any laboratory used for a purpose other than instruction or research. Such as the Campus Police forensics lab and FOD's hazardous materials lab.
Room Type Code | Room Type and Room Sub-Type Names and Definitons |
3A | Office |
Room, cubicle, or station used as an individual workspace for university personnel.
Note: Capacity is required. Capacity is the number of work areas within the room.
Room Sub-Types:
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3B | Office Service |
Room that directly serves an office or group of offices as an extension of the activities in them.
Room Sub-Types:
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3C | Staff Toilet |
Room containing toilet facilities within an office or office suite and not available to the public.
Room Sub-Types:
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3D | Conference Room |
Room used primarily by a specific unit for meetings and activities not reservable by the general public.
Room Type Code | Room Type and Room Sub-Type Names and Definitons |
4A | Study & Reading Room |
Room or area used by individuals to study at their convenience, the space not being restricted to a particular subject or discipline by contained equipment.
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4B | Stack Area |
Space used to house arranged collections of educational materials for use as a study resource.
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4C | Open Stack Study Room |
Combination study space and stack, generally without physical boundaries between the stack and study area.
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4D | Library Service |
Auxiliary space that houses library support services such as circulation desks, storage rooms, coatrooms, etc.
Special Use
Room Type Code | Room Type and Room Sub-Type Names and Definitons |
5A | Gymnasium |
Room or area used by students, staff, or the public for athletic or physical education activities.
Room Sub-Types:
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5B | Gymnasium Seating |
Permanent, non-retractable spectator seating in a gymnasium.
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5C | Gymnasium Service |
Space that directly serves an athletic or physical education facility as an extension of the activities in that facility.
Room Sub-Types:
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5D | Media Production |
Space used for the production or distribution of multimedia materials or signals either within a facility or for external distribution.
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5E | Media Production Service |
Space that directly serves a media production or distribution space as an extension of the activities in that facility.
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5F | Demonstration/Lab School |
An instructional space where students practice activity that closely simulates a real-world or occupational setting. Includes demonstration day care and development centers, laboratory schools, and family and consumer science houses.
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5G | Demonstration/Lab Service |
Space that directly serves a demonstration space as an extension of the activities in that facility.
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5H | Field Service Facility |
Space used for storage of farm and/or landscaping products, supplies, and equipment. The space may alternatively provide temporary animal shelter but is not meant for overnight housing of the animals.
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5J | Animal Quarters |
Space to house animals used in research and instruction, or as part of a normal replacement pool for animals needed in ongoing programs (i.e., stalls).
Room Sub-Types:
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5K | Animal Quarters Service |
Space adjacent to animal quarters to provide storage of feed and /or care supplies for the animals.
Room Sub-Types:
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5L | Greenhouse |
Area used for growing, potting, and handling of plats and plant materials composed chiefly of glass, plastic, or other light-transmitting material. Service rooms for storage of greenhouse equipment and supplies are also included in this category.
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5M | General Service |
Category of last resort for service space that cannot be described with other room types.
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5N | Clinical Trials |
Space in which research is conducted on a human subject to evaluate the effects of interventions on health-related biomedical or behavioral outcomes.
General Use
Room Type Code | Room Type and Room Sub-Type Names and Definitons |
6A | Assembly |
Space designed and equipped for the assembly of many people for non-athletic events, such as dramatic, musical, devotional, livestock judging, or commencement activities.
Room Sub-Types:
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6B | Assembly Service |
Room or area that directly serves an assembly facility as an extension of the activities in that facility, such as property rooms, scenery and costume rooms, green rooms, and ticket booths.
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6C | Sanctuary |
Space designed and equipped for religious or devotional assembly or private use. Wellness or quiet rooms that aren’t meant for a religious nature are categorized as (6S) Wellness Room.
Room Sub-Type:
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6D | Museum/Exhibit |
Room or area used for exhibition of materials, works of art, artifacts, etc., that is open to the public.
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6E | Museum/Exhibit Service |
Space that directly serves an exhibition facility as preparation and/or storage space for materials and displays.
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6F | Food Facility |
Space utilized for the serving and consumption of food, including dining halls, vending machines (with seating areas), and restaurants. Vending areas without seating is categorized as (6M) Merchandising.
Room Sub-Types:
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6G | Food Facility Service |
Space that directly serves a food facility as an extension of the activities in that facility, including food prep and storage areas.
Room Sub-Types:
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6H | Child Care |
Room in a childcare facility used for learning and recreation.
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6J | Child Care Service |
Space that directly serves a primary activity space in a childcare space as an extension of the activities in that space.
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6K | Lactation Room |
Private room specifically used for nursing mothers to pump breast milk.
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6L | Lounge |
Room equipped with casual furniture used for informal meetings or for rest and relaxation, and not restricted to a specific group. Also includes rooms that directly serve the lounge.
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6M | Merchandising |
Room used to sell products or services. Includes bookstores, post offices, and other retail operations that sell products or services to students, staff, or the public on an over-the counter basis.
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6N | Merchandising Service |
Space that directly serves a merchandising facility as an extension of the activities in that facility. Includes storage rooms, closets, sorting rooms, and other support spaces.
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6P | Recreation |
Room devoted to casual entertainment and non-athletic gaming, including billiards, arcades, and non-study reading rooms. Associated service spaces are included.
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6Q | Meeting Room |
Room used for a variety of general purpose, non-class meetings, on a less formal basis, and that is generally available to the public.
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6R | Meeting Room Service |
Space that serves a meeting space, including multimedia or furniture storage.
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6S | Wellness Room |
Private room used for individual wellness, typically dedicated to quiet reflection and personal well-being.
Room Type Code | Room Type and Room Sub-Type Names and Definitons |
7A | Data Processing Facility |
Space used as a data or telecommunications center with applications that are broad enough to serve the entire institution. Also includes adjacent service rooms such as equipment repair rooms, control rooms, wiring rooms, and related storage rooms.
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7B | Shop |
Space used for the manufacture, repair, or maintenance of products or equipment. This includes carpenter, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, and painting shops, and similar physical plant maintenance facilities. This category also includes centralized shops for construction, maintenance, or repair of research, instructional, and multimedia equipment and devices.
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7C | Shop Service |
Room that serves a shop or maintenance purpose such as equipment supply and storage areas, or locker rooms and restrooms.
Room Sub-Types:
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7D | Central Storage |
Space that is used to store equipment or materials and that serves multiple space use categories, organizations, or buildings. This includes warehouse and surplus storage. Storage areas related to other area functions follow the classification of that function with a service designation. Storage that must be close at hand due to the nature of the materials stored or the demands placed upon the materials by the program is classified according to the appropriate service category.
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7E | Vehicle Storage |
Parking facility for automobiles, busses, trucks, farm equipment, riding lawnmowers, airplanes, etc.
Room Sub-Types:
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7F | Central Service |
Room or area that is used for the processing, preparation, testing, or delivery of a central or campus-wide support service that typically serves the occupants or activities of more than one building. This includes central facilities for printing, mail, shipping and receiving area, centralized food stores and laundries.
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7G | Hazardous Material Storage |
Centralized facility used for the storage of hazardous or toxic materials. This includes materials that are flammable, chemically aggressive or unstable, biologically toxic, or radioactive.
Room Type COde | Room Type and Room Sub-Type Names and Definitons |
8A | Patient Room |
Room equipped with one or more beds used for patient care, or stalls or cage rooms for animal patients.
Room Sub-Type:
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8B | Patient Toilet |
Room containing patient bath and/or toilet facilities. Included in this category are toilet and bath facilities adjoining or in conjunction with patient rooms and common shower facilities for the use of patients. Patient toilets are, by default, gender inclusive unless otherwise noted. Public restrooms and private restrooms serving people other than patients are excluded.
Room Sub-Types:
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8C | Clinical Staff Station |
Space with one or more workstations used by clinical and patient care staff who are supervising or administering healthcare services.
Room Sub-Types:
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8D | Clinical Staff Service |
Space that directly serves one or more clinical staff stations as an extension of the activities in those spaces.
Room Sub-Types:
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8E | Clinical Staff Toilet |
Restroom whose primary use is for clinical staff.
Room Sub-Types:
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8F | Surgery/OR |
Room used for surgery, including major and minor surgery rooms, and delivery rooms.
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8G | Surgery Service |
Space that directly serves a Surgery/OR room.
Room Sub-Types:
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8H | Diagnosis and Treatment |
Used for examination, diagnosis and/or treatment of patients. Diagnosis and Treatment differs from (8K) Diagnostic Laboratory in that the former requires the presence of the patient.
Room Sub-Types:
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8J | Diagnosis and Treatment Service |
Space that directly serves a Diagnosis and Treatment room as an extension of the activities in those spaces, or animal holding pens if they serve a treatment or examination area.
Room Sub-Types:
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8K | Diagnostic Laboratory |
Space used to provide diagnostic support services, including pathology, pharmacy, autopsy/necropsy, and laboratories.
Room Sub-Types:
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8L | Diagnostic Laboratory Service |
Space that directly serves a diagnostic laboratory, including autoclave and centrifuge rooms, cadaver storage rooms, morgues, locker and scrub rooms, and supply and storage.
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8M | Central Clinical Supply |
| Room used centrally to store healthcare supplies for a healthcare facility.
Room Sub-Types:
8N | Public Waiting |
Room used by the public to await admission, treatment, or information within a healthcare facility. Includes reception areas, visiting areas, and lobby areas that are specifically configured and furnished for public waiting.
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8P | Staff Quarters |
Room or quarters used by healthcare staff to rest or sleep while on call in a healthcare facility.
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8Q | Staff Quarters Service |
Space that directly serves a staff quarter space.
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8X | OSUP |
Space within an OSUP owned/leased and operated facility where the room type data is not known.
Room Type Code | Room Type and Room Sub-Type Names and Definitons |
9A | Residential Room with Toilet |
Student’s sleeping and study room with an adjoining toilet, usually equipped with bed(s), desk(s), and related furniture.
Room Sub-Types:
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9B | Residential Room without Toilet |
Student’s sleeping and study room, usually equipped with bed(s), desk(s), and related furniture.
Room Sub-Types:
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9C | Apartment |
Group of rooms designed as a complete housekeeping unit and intended as student housing.
Room Sub-Types:
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9D | House |
Student Life-managed house that provides living and personal space for occupants.
Room Sub-Types:
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9E | Guest Residence |
Room or housekeeping unit similar to a student’s residential facility but something constituting a hotel-type accommodation intended primarily for guests.
Room Sub-Types:
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9F | Residential Service |
Space within student housing utilized by housekeeping, maintenance, or students, that support student housing.
Room Sub-Types:
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9T | Residential Toilet |
Rooms providing toilet and bathing facilities to student or guest housing, not contained within a residential room.
Room Sub-Types:
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