Org to Cost Center Conversion in SIMS


As part of the Enterprise Project implementation, the university will be converting the financial system from the Organization numbers used in PeopleSoft to Cost Centers used in Workday.  SIMS will be converting the Space Owner Org assignments to the new numbering system in conjunction with the Workday go live at the beginning of January 2021, with the existing PeopleSoft Org structure remaining in place until the final weeks of December 2020.  

You can find a preliminary crosswalk for the Org to Cost Center conversion here:

Org CC Conversion 2020.12.28 (Excel Spreadsheet)

This worksheet includes a list of current Org numbers and their new Cost Center assignments.  If there is not a Cost Center listed for an Org, that means the Org does not have an associated Cost Center in the new system.  If there are any spaces assigned to the Orgs that lack a corresponding Cost Center, we will need to obtain a new Cost Center from the related Business Unit to assign to the affected space.  You can expect a communications from us in the coming weeks regarding these spaces. 

The Cost Center fields in this document translate as:

  • Org --> Cost Center
  • Department --> CCH7
  • VP/College --> CCH6

You will find a few exceptions to this conversion structure due to the differences in implementation between PeopleSoft and Workday.  For instance, Student Life exists as a VP/College in the Org structure, but it is truly part of OAA and will be grouped under the Academic Affairs CCH6 in the Cost Center Structure.  If you find that your business unit is affected by a similar change of hierarchy, you will want to review the details with your unit's finance team.

The display of the Cost Centers will retain the same format as the current Org system, with the Cost Center description followed by the Cost Center numbers in parentheses.  The Department and VP/College level replacements in the Cost Center hierarchy do not have numbers associated with them and will only have the description displayed in the corresponding fields.

Here is an example of how the display of Cost Center and CCH7 values in SIMS will compare to the existing Org values:


Display of orgs in SIMS

Cost Centers

Display of cost centers in SIMS


In the Org tab in the Space dialog box will be renamed Allocation. The Cost Center number and description in this location will continue to be displayed separately as before:

The allocation tab in the space dialog box of SIMS

If you have any questions about the process and how it will affect the SIMS space data, please do not hesitate to Contact Us. We are happy to assist our partners with the transition.