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Guidelines for Student Portfolio Images

If you wish to include images of any building models you completed during your time with FITS in your portfolio, please note that drawings of University buildings are not considered public data according to the Institutional Data Policy. Therefore, refrain from sharing them when identifying information is included in the image. Please follow the guidelines below:

  • You are not allowed to retain copies of Revit models. Under no circumstances should you store Revit models of University buildings on your personal computer, a portable drive, or a personal cloud account.
  • If you model any buildings considered Restricted by the University, those are subject to a higher level of security and you may not keep any images of them.
  • You may save PDF files or images of Revit models or renderings you completed, provided that you eliminate all references to the building's name and address, including title blocks and any modeled building signage. You can either exclude title blocks entirely or temporarily save a copy of the model from which you must remove the address and replace the actual building name with a generic descriptor such as 'Classroom Building,' 'Student Center,' or similar.
Splash screen 3D image that has the identifying information crossed out with red Xs.
Do not include the University logo, campus name, building name, address, or modeled building name sign


Splash screen 3D image with green check marks indicating areas where text was removed
One option is to remove identifying information by removing the title block


Splash screen 3D image with green check marks indicating genericized text
Another option is to remove identifying information from the title block by replacing text with generic information


Floor plan on a title block with identifying information crossed out with red Xs
Do not include the University logo, building name, or address


Plan without title block and green check marks indicating areas where text was removed
One option is to remove identifying information by removing the title block


Floor plan on a title block with green check marks indicating the genericized identifying information
Another option is to remove identifying information from the title block by replacing text with generic information


  • Modeling the building and required renderings are part of your job and will be done on the clock. Gathering images for your portfolio or working on additional renderings should be done at the office, but must be completed on your own time while you are clocked out.
  • You may take digital images of any work you completed, but you may not make prints at the office for personal use.
  • You must gather portfolio images while you are employed at FITS. Do not ask us to send images to you after you have resigned.