Filtering BIM 360 Emails to a Separate Folder in Outlook

These instructions apply to the desktop version of Outlook.

  1. Under the Home menu, in the Move panel, click on Rules and select Manage Rules & Alerts.

    Manage Rules & Alerts from the Move panel under Rules.

    If the Rules icon is not available in the ribbon, Manage Rules & Alerts can be located in the File menu.


    Manage Rules & Alerts from the File menu
  2. Choose New Rule.

    Rules and Alerts dialog with New Rule highlighted.
  3. Choose Move messages from someone to a folder from Step 1.

    Rules Wizard dialog
  4. Under Step 2, click on people or public group and enter the following email in the From address:

    Rule Address dialog with entered in the From field.

    Click OK.

  5. Under Step 2, click specified folder.

    Step 2 of the Rules Wizard dialog.
  6. Select the folder to receive BIM 360 emails and click OK. You can create a new folder by selecting New and choosing a folder name and location.

    Selecting a BIM 360 folder from the Rules and Alerts dialog.
  7. Once the email address and folder location are set, you can either choose Finish or continue with advanced options by clicking Next. When finished, click OK to close the Rules dialog. The rule will be active and BIM 360 email notifications will automatically filter into the selected folder.

    Bottom of the Rules Wizard dialog with options for Next and Finish.