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AXP Guidelines for Student Employees

Student employees have the opportunity to earn up to 320 AXP hours while working in FITS.

Experience Setting O

All hours in FITS must be logged under Experience Setting O, Design or Construction Related Employment. 

Hours should be entered as bulk time, not as average weekly hours. You may need to use the website instead of the app to enter bulk hours.

These are the experience areas where you are most likely to earn hours while working in fits:

  • Programming & Analysis
    • Per internal FITS guidelines, you may earn up to 52 hours in this area for the following tasks:
      • Document Collection
      • Initial Field Verification
      • Final Field Verification
    • Hours spent traveling to a building site or for Field Verification Support do not count toward this area
  • Practice Management
    • Per internal FITS guidelines, you may earn up to 8 hours in this area for the following tasks:
      • Training hours for IDP, HIPAA, sexual harassment awareness, or others related to ethical standards and codes of professional conduct
      • Corresponding with and meeting with customers directly, or otherwise developing relationships with clients
  • Project Management
    • Per internal FITS guidelines, you may earn up to 18 hours in this area for the following tasks:
      • Initial Student Audit
  • Project Development & Documentation
    • You may earn up to 320 hours in this area for the following tasks:
      • Build Model
      • Model Updates
      • Renderings
    • Hours spent in training or meetings do not count toward this area

Early in your career, the easiest hours to earn are those in Project Development & Documentation, so it is in your best interest to log hours in other areas of Experience Setting O first, since the total number in this setting is limited to 320 hours. This may include hours working in FITS on Programming & Analysis tasks, or it may include other experiences such as design competitions, site visits with a mentor, or continuing education. For more information about other experience opportunities, refer to the AXP Guidelines.

Requirements for Student Employees

  • BIM Assistants should submit their hours to Tim Schacht and Architectural Services Assistants should submit their hours to Tiffany Guthrie.
  • Students must submit AXP hours to their supervisor while employed at FITS or within 30 days of leaving employment. Do not ask us to track down information on your behalf after you have resigned. 
  • Tracking hours worked on specific tasks is the responsibility of the student. Contact Tiffany Guthrie if you would like a Smartsheet report set up for you to help with tracking.
  • Students may submit hours as frequently as each week, or as infrequently as each month. Waiting longer than that makes it difficult for supervisors to remember what you have been working on.


NCARB Record Fees for Licensure Candidates

Start Your NCARB Record

Start the AXP

Hourly Reporting

AXP Booklet

AXP Guidelines

Destination Architect