Data Services

Header Image for the Data Services team

The Data Services team has five primary areas of responsibility:

Given that location data is so critical to the operation of many data systems, SIMS data plays a central role in ensuring consistent reporting across systems.  If you operate a system that relies on physical location accuracy and have not integrated with SIMS or our other systems, please connect with us.  We'd love to learn about your system and how FITS can support you.

A screenshot of SIMS

Space Information and Management System (SIMS)

SIMS is the University’s system of record for space and building data.

A screenshot of a sample Tableau dashboard

Tableau Dashboards and Reports

We maintain a series of facilities and spatially related dashboards for use by the University community.

A screenshot of dummy python code.

Data Integration and Reporting

Discover how FITS can help you integrate our data into your systems or reports.

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Submit a New FITS Request

FITS is here to assist the university community with your facility and spatial data needs. If you are in need of assistance regarding one of our systems or the data we manage, please submit a FITS Request using the following link: